Monday, July 23, 2012

The Importance of Having a Mentor - Guest Post

Today we have something special for you guys.  My good friend, Andrea Buginsky, is joining us and discussing  the importance of having mentors in your life.  Welcome, Andrea! 

In my new book, 'Nature's Unbalance,' one of my main characters, Lumina, is facing some changes. Like all teens, Lumina has to learn to adapt to the changes going on inside of her. For teens, facing changes to their bodies can be hard. They may feel awkward, shy, depressed, or confused. One of the ways teens can cope with the changes they are going through is to find someone they can talk to about them.

A mentor is a great person for a teen to have to talk to about the awkward situations they are facing day-to-day. You’ll want your mentor to be someone you’re comfortable with, someone you and your parents trust, someone who can provide helpful answers when you need them, and someone who understands you as a person so they can help you come up with ideas on how to cope with the changes you’re facing.

You can select your mentor from a wide range of people: a family member, a family friend, your clergy person, a teacher, or a counselor at school. When you determine whom you want your mentor to be, talk to the person and ask if he or she would be comfortable talking with you about different issues. Be sure to let your parents know that you plan to talk to this person about personal issues, and make sure they’re comfortable with this person. You don’t have to tell your parents what you plan to talk about, just to whom. You want to make sure that this is someone they trust, too.

Once you’ve selected your mentor, set up a regular time to get together to talk. Ask him or her how often you can get together to talk. Also find out what’s a good time to call if you have something you need to talk about before your get-together. You want to make sure you know when it’s ok to call, and when it’s not, such as during their work hours or late at night.

A mentor is a good person to have in your life to discuss difficult situations with. So find someone you and your parents can trust, ask them for permission, and chat with them on a regular basis. It will help you survive the angsts you may be experiencing during your teen years.

Andrea Buginsky is a freelance writer and Young Adult author. She has written two YA fantasies: “The Chosen,” and “Nature’s Unbalance: The Chosen Book 2.” She has also written “My Open Heart,” an autobiography about growing up with heart disease for adolescents who are facing chronic conditions, and their parents. You can find Andrea at her website, Andi’s Realm.

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