Friday, April 3, 2015

Love Kept Jesus on the Cross

I was browsing Facebook the other day, and I came across this picture about how Jesus' love kept Him on the cross.
Found on Adam Crabb's Facebook page

Sometimes I feel like we've lost sight of what Easter is all about. It's easy to focus on the Easter egg hunts and the Easter bunny or finding that right outfit to wear to church on Easter Sunday, but when we really think about all that Jesus did for us, it kind of takes me aback, and I just sit in awe for a minute. He came to earth to die for us. That was His purpose, and He did it willingly.

Sure, He had one moment of weakness as He prayed in the garden, asking if God would let this cup pass over Him, but if not, God's will be done. (Luke 22) It was God's will that Jesus die for us, and why? Why did this Son of God have to die for us? John 3:16 has that answer.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Love. God loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son to die for us, and that Son loves us so much that He stayed on the cross because that was what would save us and give us everlasting life.

And trust me, He had every angel on call. They could have easily saved His life, yet He asked His Father to forgive those that sinned against Him because they didn't know what they did. How many people would ask for the forgiveness of those who tortured, mocked and finally killed you? No one but Jesus.

Love is a very powerful emotion, and we cannot even begin to fathom how much Jesus loves us. It's a love that surpasses all understanding because He loves without condemnation. We're His children, and even though we make mistakes, He doesn't desert us. He gives us everything that we need before we even need it. He has planned each step of our lives, and He knows what is best for us.

What gets me is that when Christ died, He did it for us. He did it so that we might come to Him without having to go through a priest like they did in the Old Testament times. That's what was so significant about the veil being rent in two. (Luke 22) The relationship we can have with Christ came about because He loved us enough to die for us. We don't have to make intercession through anyone. We can go directly to God, and we can have that intimate relationship - all because of love.

And He did this for SINNERS. He didn't do it just for the saints. No, He did it because sinners needed Him as much as the saints did.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

Death may have been what they wanted from God, and they got that death. But we also got life on that third day when He rose from the dead!

On the Eve of Passover, I think we ought to think about the love that God had when He sent His Son to die for us, and I think we ought to think about how Jesus did this FOR US. He didn't do it for Himself. He did it because of love, the love He has for His children.

Thank you, Jesus, for Your sacrifice, for Your love!

Happy Easter, all! Keep your focus on God, and remember, He loves you.


  1. Beautifully written and well said! :) Happy Easter!
